Keeping birth simple…

A calm and gentle birth experience sounds perfect doesn’t it? Yet it can seem like such a far off dream. If we strip birth back to the basics, a woman’s body is like a cylinder with a valve at the end. In pregnancy yoga I work with mums-to-be on awareness, flexibility and fluidity through the pelvis to empower them in birth to appreciate the difference between taught muscles (essentially a tight valve) and loose, flexible muscles (essentially an intuitive valve). The descent of your baby can be eased with circling, spiralling and wave like movements in the pelvis, and from an upright position especially, the baby will work its way into all those gaps and new spaces provided. Complications arise, I know, but if we start from the idea of a simple physiological process, then perhaps the complications could lessen for some. Remember…..each moment, each contraction, each breath brings your baby closer xxx

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