
I am a pregnancy and postnatal yoga instructor based in Newport, Shropshire, UK. I trained with Birthlight (www.birthlight.com) with Francoise Barbira Freedman, and truly love my job! I feel it is the right of all unborn babies to have special time to bond with their mummies, and pregnancy yoga is the perfect way to achieve this.

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Ruth
    May 20, 2013 @ 19:51:43


    Could you please give me information regarding pregnancy yoga classes. I’m very interested in starting. I’m sixteen weeks and never done yoga before. I just needed to know days and times and how I book a place.




    • Yoga Me
      May 21, 2013 @ 21:22:56

      Hi Ruth,
      Thank you for the message and apologies for the delay in responding. Congratulations on your pregnancy! How has it been so far? Have you been experiencing sickness and tiredness or sailing through?!
      It’s great that you might be interested in coming along to pregnancy yoga. My classes run from 6.15 to 7.45pm on Monday nights. The first class you attend is a free taster and from then on mums pay £24 for a block of 4 classes. From 35 weeks onwards you just pay £6 per class drop in. We cover positions for comfort in pregnancy and labour, breathing techniques and there is plenty of unwinding and relaxation! Many of the mums find they start to feel much more relaxed about labour as they get into yoga and feel altogether more ready and at ease.
      If you fancy coming along soon there is a space from Monday 3rd June?
      Just let me know if you fancy coming along and I can then let you know more about it all!
      All the best,
      Kate x
      Tel 07989 514317
      Email yogamebaby@yahoo.co.uk


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